With purposeful movement to reduce work related neck and lower back pain!
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Hability combats sedentary behavior and physical inactivity at work
Due to prolonged inactivity and sedentary behavior, 51% of workers suffer from lower back pain, and 58% have neck/upper back pain.
to select target area, exercise frequency & work schedule
Regular Alerts
get employees exercising during their work day
Specific Exercises
purposefully target and prevent neck & lower back pain

Hability is very user-friendly
A sleek design, real pictures & clear descriptions make exercising at work fun
and easy to follow!
Target Area
is chosen to define the type of
exercises provided
Work Schedule
is selected to only receive alerts
during working hours
Frequency & Duration
can be modified to accommodate for
an individuals needs & availability
are sent directly to the user’s phone at the time of exercise
have been hand picked by Physiotherapists for maximum efficacy
Analytics Page
allows users to keep track of their compliance & progress
Hability Is Designed By Physiotherapists
To encourage regular, short, purposeful exercise at work. This results in a multitude of benefits for both employees & employers!
Employee Benefits
~ Reduction in prolonged, static postures
~ Increased physical activity
~ Reduced neck and lower back pain
~ Improved physical fitness
~ Improved mood
Employer Benefits
~ Reduction in sick days
~ Increased productivity
~ Economical addition to wellness package
~ Time efficient for employees
~ Boost employee morale
Add Hability To Your Corporate Wellness Plan Today!